tirsdag 11. mai 2010

Sitater om fattigdom

Sowell (2002: 28f)

"Who should be surprised that 60-year-olds have higher incomes and more wealth than 30-year-olds? Moreover, that was also true 30 years ago, when today’s 60-year-olds were just 30. But these are not different classes of people. They are the same people at different stages of their lives."

Sowell (2002: 225)

"There was a time when the poor stole bread to feed their children. You could understand that. But today, when riots and looting sweep through some slum, food is left unmolested while the looters—supposedly “enraged” by some injustice— can be seen happily carrying off TV sets, fancy clothes and the like."

Galloway og Mongstad (2006: 25)

"Som understreket i denne så vel som tidligere studier av fattigdom fra Statistisk sentralbyrå finnes det ikke klart etablerte og allment aksepterte definisjoner av hva som menes med fattigdom og hvordan den best kan måles."

Den Sowell-kilden heter riktignok "Controversial Essays".

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